Monday, June 13, 2011

Busy Summer

Coni Grant, David Montgomery and Susan McCullough

Well, we survived our Creede show and I believe that it was very successful- we had a good steady crowd and I had a lot of fun.  I was able to visit with a few friends that I haven't seen in quite a while- especially my friend Jamie who I don't get to see enough of. I met a few new people and the Creede weather was beautiful - I was surprised as the weather in the San Luis Valley has not been up to par lately with high winds and when the winds aren't blowing, smoke from the Wallow fire in Arizona keeps in rather hazy in the valley.

The next day Coni and I took a trip to Taos to support our gallery in Taos, Wilder Nightingale, for the Kit Carson first Saturday artwalk.  There was a large gathering of visitors in every gallery on Kit Carson which was refreshing to see. 

I have been making some changes to my studio- basically knocking down some humongous trees- it has taken a lot out of me for the clean up process- many wheelbarrows-  and I will post some pictures of the new studio look soon.  Honestly, it looks nice without all of the dead trees around it but it also looks rather bare- I guess I will have to plant some more trees, lilac bushes and flowers to fill it up- they will have to be plants that don't take too much care....

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