Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Solo show at the San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center

I will be working hard today getting food ready for my solo show at the hospital in Alamosa. The show will last from 4:30 to 7:30 pm at the San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center in the Artrium.  We will probably have way too much food but that is better than not enough.

I hired Erin, my daughter, to help so it should be a lot of fun- I am not looking forward to hauling everything to the second floor again- very time consuming...

I will be also hauling up about 13 more paintings for the show to add a little variety for the people who have looked at the same paintings for a couple of months now. Well. I do hope people will be able to attend as it is snowing outside today and that can put a bit of a damper on things...

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