Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Road to Pinos Creek

Pinos Creek View

I haven't been posting my paintings as well as I should so I will do some catching up here.  This painting was done at the beginning of fall, up Pinos Creek Road west of Del Norte, CO; the trees were just beginning to turn gold and although I was interested in painting aspen, I saw this scene and decided to pull over and paint.  This was done at about 4 in the afternoon and clouds were starting to boil in.  This was difficult to paint as the sun played peekaboo the whole time.


eyeography said...

Wow...wonderful... :)

eldon said...

I looks like one of those peek a boo kinda light day too. Well done.

Susan McCullough said...

Thank you Eldon and Sumit. Our outside painting time is about done for a short while til the snow starts flying- right Eldon?

eldon said...

uh....yeah right, I guess...I can hardly wait...Come on April!!!

Susan McCullough said...

Eldon- sorry, I forgot that you are allergic to snow!