Monday, September 26, 2011

Back from Salida

Well I am back from the Colorado Mountain Plein Air event and will need some catching up (sleep) to do.The above painting, a 11x14 entitled Mt Yale from Cottonwood Lake Rd and won an honorable mention at the event.  It wasn't a money prize (dang) but I still had fun.  The more you spend time in an area, the more possibilities for painting good material pop up.
Such is the case with this painting of the river and outskirts of Salida from Spiral Drive.  We painted this right before the sun was setting and the paint does fly when the conditions change so fast.  I think I will take this painting and work up some different scenerios and make a larger studio painting. Well I do have more paintings to post so I will do that later..  For now, it is catch up time.


eldon warren said...

good stuff Susan! I'm glad you had a fine time over there. Now, go get some sleep! :)

Susan McCullough said...

Thanks Eldon- I don't know if I'm allowed to sleep when the colors are so gorgeous outside- imagine the guilt!