Saturday, March 12, 2011

Painting for Creede

Original Creede

Coni, Dave and I will be having a show in Creede Colorado at the Creede Repertory Theater this summer from May 24- July 1, 2011.  I am thrilled because I LOVE the small town of Creede and the people that live there.  Well, anyway, Coni, Dave and I decided to drive to Creede to check out the gallery space and get at least one painting done while we were up there.  We met up with Stephen and Marta Quiller while we were there and saw the beautiful paintings that Steve is doing for the new theater space-- I would love to show them on this blog but they are a surprise-- so no revealing them here.... sorry- but I can guarantee that they are fabulously beautiful!!
We then drove up to check out the mining site north of town and to look for good painting material- I took this picture driving up the north side of the Bachelor loop- look at the amazing layout of the mining areas- 
We then scouted around the original part of Creede- and I did the painting above- hence the title "Original Creede".  Here is Coni and Dave taking in the sights.

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