Monday, February 7, 2011

A beautiful Day at Rock Creek

Coni, dave, and i took off to Rock Creek to paint in some snow for a change- what a beautiful day!  It was warm and sunny the entire time and a good winter painting experience.

Coni is ready to paint!
David is getting there!

I always have a difficult time trying to decide the best scene to pick- there were quite a few to choose from-  I was looking for strong value patterns and ended up picking some Aspen by the road- the sun changed the light patterns before I had completely set up the easel- so I knew this was going to be a quick one or I would lose those great shadows- painting partly from observation and partly from memory, I was able to get one done that I was pleased with....

Rock Creek Melody
I finished fast enough to walk around and take a few pictures- the pictures didn't come out that great as the light was bleaching everything out- I was thankful that we were out early enough to get some nice color.


Jo Anne Neely Gomez said...

Gorgeous painting, looks like a wonderful time with friends.

Susan McCullough said...

Thank you JoAnne It definitely was a nice day! Good thing we went when we did.

canvas artwork said...

i like the way you have used your colours to make the painting look like a photo but with an artistic effect, very good.

Susan McCullough said...

Thank you canvas artwork- I appreciate the compliment!