Friday, October 22, 2010

Dancing Leaves

Dancing Leaves 16x20
This was painted up Pinos Creek Road - I was drawn to the color and was able to actually get off of the road to paint as well- an added bonus.  I had a hard time trying to keep my palette in the shade- something that I was determined to do- I know that had the sun been shining on my canvas, this painting would have been about 2 shades darker.  This is a large plein air for me so I moved rather quickly -


eyeography said...

Wow Susan..this is such a beautiful work of yours...
Love the painting.. :)

nothingprofound said...

Beautiful, subtle use of color. Has a kind of super-reality.

Susan McCullough said...

Thanks for the kind comments!

reem said...

Dancing leaves , nice name for beautifull painting , nice one .

Kathy Hodge said...

You really captured the way the leaves glow with intense color in the sun. It rivals the foliage we have now here in New England!

Susan McCullough said...

Thank you Kathy and evat- I heard that New England is beautiful in the fall- hope to make it there some day!

Unknown said...
